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Acronis true image

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It's not required to place the feeder stockpile(s) beside the track stop, but it's usually a good idea. In fact, when the target stockpile does not allow wheelbarrows they're hauled back to the feeder stockpile to be loaded into the mincart again in an eternal loop (can be blocked by forbidding the wheelbarrows). a chute down into magma for garbage disposal), and wheelbarrows can be loaded into minecarts even if neither the target stockpile nor the route stop allows wheelbarrows. Wheelbarrows can be loaded into the minecart regardless of what the settings of the target stockpile are as the track stop simply dumps items and does not care if there's a stockpile there or not (such as e.g. It's reached via the key of the route stop (typically immediately after deleting all departure conditions). You forgot the important step of setting up what goods the track stop should load into the cart. Vanilla requires deconstruction and reconstruction with the desired dumping direction. DFHack provides the functionality to change track stop dumping using the 'q' menu. It's likely you will have QSPs that are just empty.ĮDIT: make sure to set the cart to be pushed, not guided! This will NOT work with guided Carts

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And be careful with making multiple QSPs that accept the same items. So I'll have a pile for bars next to my forge, and stone pile next to my mason. I make my QSP setup 3x3 to appease my ocd so I can have stockpiles adjacent to my workshops. The same size as workshop! The wheelbarrow issue is caused by allowing wheelbarrows in the quantum stock pile I think, so make sure to set those to zero. Now hover over your larger stock pile and press s to make a new stockpile link.Ĭongratulations you just made a new quantum stockpile, using just a 3x3 radius. Hover over your stock and make a new stop (s I think it is) press x to delete all conditions (this is important!!!) Now press h, then r to create a new route. It will not over write your stop or the other stockpile if done this way. Make a 3x3 stockpile starting southwest/bottom left of your track stop (left immediately of the 1x1) and take it to the top right of your track stop, the radius is exactly 3x3. Press q and then a and make sure it reads "accept from links only" and set it to have no bins or barrels or wheel barrows. Make a 1x1 stockpile adjacent south of the stop and set it for Stone only. This can be change with q later if you forget or want to change direction. Your Quantum Stock Piles are set up wrong.įirst construct your track stop, for this example set it to dump south. Make sure your atom smasher pit is at least 5 z-levels deep so nothing bounces out of the pit as the drawbridge does its thing. Using bins for bin-storable items causes problems with quantum stockpiling.Īlternatively if you just want to get rid of it, have this track stop dump into a chute down to the magma ocean or into an atom smasher. It also works for bars/weapons/finished good/armor, however in order to get this to work make sure that both the big stockpile and the 1x1 quantum stockpile do not use bins. This also works for wood, refuse, furniture, or anything else. This lets you compress anything you want from your big stockpile to a 1x1 stockpile. You can pile up multiple of these compressors using mine cart routes on the same tiles and dwarves will work them all simultaneously. Set your mine cart route to take stone from the big stockpile, and then when empty always immediately guide it back to the start to be reloaded.

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At the end of the mine cart route set up a track stop and have it auto-dump onto your 1x1 stone stockpile. The mine cart route should be as short as possible, preferably just 1 tile long. Make the other stockpile be however large as you want. Set up two stone stockpiles adjacient to each other.

Acronis true image